System Overview


The fundamental principle of our project was to have a Minecraft Pig-esque robot follow an external input. Our final project uses a Python color-masking algorithm to isolate the color orange (the color of a carrot) hosted on a Raspberry Pi 4 connected to an Arducam, which it then follows using an Arduino Uno interface using belt driven Nema 17 stepper motors in its front legs. 

The chassis is at 1:4 scale to an actual-sized Minecraft Pig, and is constructed from spray-painted lasercut MDF fiberboard. Inside houses all of the electronics, including a 24V power supply, Arducam, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, motors, belts, and plugs. Out of the rear end is a cable which runs into a standard wall outlet to power the entire assembly, electrified using a 50-ft extension cord purchased from Home Depot.

Much of our design process centered around what materials and supplies we already possessed in order to save money and shipping time. These pre-had items, including the 24V power supply, Nema stepper motors, Arduino, and skateboard wheels were a base on which we built the rest of the project. In addition, any manufacturing we had to do was chosen with speed in mind. This is why the chassis was lasercut and why we decided to build the pig smaller than 1:1 scale.

Concept Sketches

Concept sketches of the chassis before it was cut and constructed. As you can see from the sketches, original plans involved motorizing all four legs, but this was dropped due to complexity.


The next step after concept sketches was CAD modeling. Our team chose to use Onshape for its adaptability and ease-of-use. Also included here are the lasercut layout sheets.


Post lasercutting, we swiftly assembled the chassis using simple wood glue and clamps. You can see the unpainted pig on the left and the final painted chassis on the right. The color scheme was based off of the Minecraft Earth pig, which was an exclusive entity within the app. The skull cap is removable for accessibility, with the flower being a clever disguise for a handle. In addition, the saddle and body side panels are also removable, which allow extensive reach into the body of the pig. 

Wheel Locks

To mount the skateboard wheels, we had to create wheel lock parts so that the entire wheel-axle-belt assembly would turn as one unit. Thus, we modeled this part in Fusion 360 (off of a previous iteration by one of our teammates) to suit our needs. We then superglued the gearing to these parts to finish the constraints.